Our Baby Amy
I can remember when Baby Amy, (Amy C) came to my grandmother’s home in 1977, she was the most precious little curly head girl and we all called her our baby doll. To this day we refer to Amy as our BABY AMY. She has been reported to be the oldest living Microcephaly in the State of Florida at the age of 43.
She has the most beautiful hair and smile and always a perfect young lady. Amy does not speak, she does not walk, and she cannot feed herself or even turn over on her own. She is one of our residents that all her needs must be meet 24/7 and have been since she entered our home.
Even though she is unable to do the things we do she has touched so many lives and she has put smiles on so many faces as she always looks her best in her cute clothes and her hair bows that our loving staff dresses her in each day. Amy had to be hospitalized last week and now resting in her home (the Russell Home) under Hospice care. This is a very difficult time for all of us, family, staff and our residents that have lived as brothers and sisters to Amy for over 40 years.
I made a call to Steve Brock, one of the Pastors, along with Martin Bird who give a Church Service for our kids once a week at the Russell Home. They are from The Crossroads Church in Apopka and they have known our kids for many years. They pray for them each day and we love them. Steve came to our home with his wife after I called him to talk with the kids and talk about what Baby Amy is going through and that she may be going to Heaven soon.
After Steve spoke with them, they were asked if they wanted to visit Baby Amy and several of them did so. We took them into the room were Baby Amy is resting, I would like to share some of their words to Amy with you-
Ann told Amy how much she loved her, and she remembered holding Amy when Grandma Russell got her when she was a baby.
Brenda told Amy she loved her and asked when she gets to Heaven tell her momma and daddy hello and they will hold her anytime she wants them to.
Lisa told Amy that she loved her not to be afraid that Heaven was a fun place and she will not be sick.
Hannah told Amy she loves her and gave her a kiss on the check.
Duncan was telling her that he grew up with her and he loves her.
Benji told her that we love her, and he knows Grandma Russell is going to be waiting for her and that if the angels come tonight, she will be with them to get her.
Lori Ann came in her room and was very quiet and looked up to the corner of the room and was whispering to the Angels she said, and then she patted Amy on the shoulder and said very softly “The Angels got this Amy and you need to relax.”
The things they have all said to her I could sit and write a book; they truly love each other, and they want Amy to know that she is so loved and that they will see her again! They are very sad, but they believe and know that God is good and that he will be preparing a place for Amy where she is no longer in pain and where she will walk and talk and do things she has never been able to do on earth.
The lesson we all need to learn from these very special children and adults is that we all need to love one another no matter if we are real brother and sister but we love each other because we are all God’s children.
Amy is still resting peacefully but we know that God is preparing her new home and he will call her home when he is ready, but until then, we will all be here with the hospice team to let her know how much she is truly loved by all of us at the Russell Home.