Love From a Distance

Mar 19, 2020Betty's Chronicles

As we all go through this Coronavirus life changing situation, I’m reflecting on how much here at the Russell Home we depend on our community. Our community is the reason we are still able to continue our Grandma Russell’s mission! It has been so different not to get the calls each day and the drop ins of people that have never seen our home and get the privilege to take them on a tour.

Our residents have been such an uplifting blessing as we all have been so weighted down with extra thoughts and feelings and trying not to let the residents feel this, but at the same time, let them know the importance of washing hands and keeping your distance.
The love they give us each is such a blessing and how they make us feel is just beyond words; the smiles, the fist pumps, the I love you’s and most of all the love they show each other. Our residents truly know what love is, we could all learn from them in so many ways.

They miss their friends from the day program, and they miss their families that would come and spend time with them during the weekends. With that said, they are doing well, they still go to class and they pray each morning for each other and their loved ones here with us and those in heaven. They pray for all our workers and for everyone to get better from this virus and they pray that everyone remembers to wash their hands, it is truly a beautiful thing to witness.

Please know, we are just like you, going through this difficult change in our lifestyle. We love you all and thank you all for always loving our very special children and adults at the Russell Home and we thank you for remembering us and our Grandmother’s mission!

“Love and care for those who need us the most.”

Love from a distance and blessings to all,