Jeannie Flynt and Rebecca (Beca) Guillemette

Jun 30, 2018Pam's Page

Jeannie Flynt and Rebecca (Beca) Guillemette

I want to tell you about our amazing teachers at Russell Home, Jeannie Flynt and Rebecca (Beca) Guillemette. Beca came to Russell Home after teaching for many years at a private school and working at Disney. Beca felt it was time to do something a little different and so here she is today. Jeannie came to Russell Home after her son Mat (who is special needs) needed to come for daycare while she worked a corporate job. It didn’t take long before she had the calling to want to work here. So here we are many years later and we couldn’t be more blessed to have them both here at Russell Home. I asked them a few questions and here are some of their answers.

What do you love most about teaching at Russell Home? – They both agreed that seeing them get excited about learning and achieving goals, also the look on their face when they learn something new.

What are some of your most memorable moments?                                       

Jeannie – I teach them piano and seeing them play at their first recital was very rewarding. Also seeing my son, Mat, ride a horse for the first time on a Russell Home field trip to Red Ranch & Rescue Farm.

Beca – We had a lesson about simple machines and Kim opened a water bottle and told me “ look a screw, it’s a simple machine”. A while back we had a lesson on the life cycle of a frog and Krishna still to this day can name every step of a frog’s cycle.

What are some of the things you teach? – We have piano class, cooking class, music class, arts & crafts, special theme weeks and some good ol’ basic fun days. 

Our teachers at Russell Home focus on all the things the kids CAN do because they know as we all do here that they are SO much more than the sum of their deficits. They all have their own personalities with unique strengths and interest that make them AWESOME!